Best ERTC Refund Service
If you have any w2 employees, the US government has another cash giveaway that might mean a nice cash influx for your business. The process to see if your business qualifies is actually simple (you merely fill out the form with some non-proprietary info) and you can get a no-obligation quote on how much Uncle Sam owes you!

Take a minute (shouldn't be any longer than that) to fill out the form and one of the CPAs will reach out in a couple of days with the details for getting what you are entitled to .
Your banker, CPA or Financial Advisor were likely to be very helpful in getting your PPP funds. They were signing you up to an SBA-guaranteed loans. The SBA paid the bank administrative fees based on the PPP loans they made, and so they were incentivized to educate you about the program and get all your paperwork in order.
The PPP program was also simpler than the ERTC. 2 1/2 times your average monthly payroll including health insurance and state unemployment taxes.
ERTC credits do not allow for deferral. They are dollar-for-dollar credits against wages you've paid. These are not taxes that you have paid, but actual wages.
These credits can be used to offset future tax payments or you can get a refund check. It's up to you.
These funds will not be repaid unless you provide sufficient documentation during an audit.
To learn more about Best ERTC Service check out this useful web page: read